CREDIT - Give Yourself Some!
I am always surprised at how little credit individuals give themselves.  

The ABCs of Personal Empowerment
Most people go through life overly aware and critical of their own failings, shortcomings, or faults.   Just get a pimple on the tip of your nose, and suddenly you are sure everyone only sees that flaw.  If you want to transform your life into a power-packed experience of forward progress and uplifting emotions, feelings, and experiences, then give yourself some credit!
You may have heard the saying, “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”  You, the whole of you, is greater than the sum of your parts – your body, your mind, your emotions, and your spirit. Look at your life and ask yourself this question: “When in my life did I absolutely, utterly, completely, and totally fail - from which I did not recover?”  What do you recall?  You probably now realize that you actually did not have such a failure from which you did not rally and move forward again.  So, give yourself some credit!
Stop bashing yourself, focusing on your faults, flaws, or failings – we all have those.  Instead, transform your thinking and focus on your skills, your strengths, your experiences (even the bad ones that are learning moments), your wants, your dreams, and your goals.  It’s a choice – you can focus on the lousy parts of life or you can choose to focus on the positive possibilities for your life.  You can look backward and drag the past forward, or you can choose to move forward and create what you want.  It actually is possible, regardless of your age, race, education, present circumstances, or other things you may see as limitations, roadblocks, or insurmountable obstacles.
If you are working through the free material here, you will see a pattern in the content.  It is all about what you can be – the best you possible and your best possible life.  Imagine what that looks like.
You are capable of so much more than you think or believe you can do or accomplish.  Most people hold themselves back far more than circumstances hold them back.  If you give yourself some credit and acknowledge that you can achieve wonderful things, you will transform yourself from a doubter into a doer!
One of the reasons for creating the content within this site is that people sell themselves short, and they need encouragement to lift them up to greater and growing levels of accomplishment.  A step in the right direction for you is for you to give yourself some credit for the skills you do have, the things you have accomplished, the moments you bounced back from, and most importantly, your willingness to now work on improving yourself.
You should not expect to rise up to great heights of achievement based on what you know now or the skills you have built up to this moment in time.   It is time to learn new things, try new things, head in a new direction, work on new skills, or enhance existing ones, which means growing personally.
To grow more, you need to know more.  Whether you are in a profession or pursuing your own thing, the most powerful growth skill you can harness is reading.  Regardless of your chosen area of work, there are books written about it.  Here, our focus is on personal growth, and the recommended books are in the self-help genre.  You can find a link to those books on the homepage and download Tim Grady’s Recommended Reading List here.
If you choose to join the Dreams, Goals, and Growth Community Forum, you can participate in the twice-monthly live sessions presented by Tim Grady, where he teaches success steps online and answers questions offline.  For just $7 a month, you will have access to 2 live sessions that are recorded (in case you cannot attend the live teaching) and the exclusive Dreams, Goals, and Growth Newsletter, where Mr. Grady answers the students’ questions. Communities are being expanded to include sessions for students in the U.S. and several different countries.
Begin your journey, or continue on your journey with ongoing support as you work towards your Dreams, Goals, and Growth.  Welcome to the opportunity to transform your future!

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  - Lao Tsu

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The Self-Mastery Series©
You have the ability to transform yourself into a person of impact and influence.  This Series is the tool!
Imagine having a list of dreams and goals and being able to achieve 90+ percent of them.  What would you leave off your list?
There is a path from employee to entrepreneur.  Take the steps with a guide and mentor, or just explore the possibilities.

The Horse Sense blog provides insights when common sense is absent, sometimes a bit tongue-in-cheek.

Copyright [Tim Grady (C) 2022]