This is the Workhorse Course of Conceiving, Crafting, and Creating a Business of Your Own - like Riding a Bucking Broncho!

The Entrepreneurship Skill-Building Courses
The Adventure Begins - From the Ground Up: Ready, Set - GROW!
              "Hey, I've got a Great Idea for a Business!" 

It sounds so easy, doesn't it? Just start a business of your own.  Be the boss. Create a side hustle.  Add to your income.  Choose your own hours.  So, you go for it.  Then, reality sets in.  By the time the 5-year mark rolls around, 96% of those start-ups have failed.  Your investment is gone.  Your savings may be gone, too.  We have even seen people lose their homes because they used the equity, and even the home itself, for collateral.  The "What could go wrong?" turned into "What went WRONG?!?"
     All that could have been avoided.  While success cannot be guaranteed, and some business ideas just aren't going to fly, we will help you prepare your launch so it doesn't become a flash in the pan followed by a mighty crash.  If your business is already up and running, you will learn more in our Entrepreneurship Courses.
     Be prepared to prepare for at least six months of prep and learning work instead of launching without a plan.

"By failing to plan, you are planning to fail." -- Benjamin Franklin

     Most people find 'planning' to be frustrating and mundane when they are anxious to get started, so they skip it or gloss over it.  It is like learning to fly a plane but skipping the instructor or that part about landing.  It can only end badly - and, yes, you just thought about that one time a totally inexperienced person had to take over and land a plane, and succeeded - but you ignore the number of experienced pilots who crash every year.
     We can provide you with some on-the-ground training, but if you intend to fly, you will need to take the full Entrepreneurship Skill-Building Series.  Move from the basics to more advanced learning, and for serious students, take the Master Class - before you launch!
     And we even have a "NOW" Course if you just can't wait.
     The Entrepreneurship Series includes several courses to help you craft your business plan, creating the elements (Management, Staffing, Sales, Marketing, Product or Service, Competition, SWOT Analysis, Sourcing, Prototyping, Manufacturing, Packaging, Inventory, Shipping, Billing, Accounting, Collections, Profits, Taxes), and evaluating what it will truly take.  More importantly, we help you Think through your business.

"Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason so few engage in it."  -- Henry Ford

     The FREE stuff:  You will find free videos on our YouTube channel   Some of these include The ABCs of Personal Empowerment, and parts of the Dreams, Goals, and Growth Skill-Building Series found within this website.

     The Basics Course:  If you have never own a business, there is a lot to learn, and that is the good news.  It should be an exciting adventure.  It becomes a terrifying experience when you didn't expect what's happening, or about to happen.  Before you launch, at least invest time in the FREE stuff. Then decide if you want to invest in The Basics Course.

     The "NOW" Course:  Students will launch a part-time business on the side and begin to live out the activities of building an extra income. Several students have taken something they have done before or have been thinking about for some time and brought it to life within weeks. Other students learn by using a simplified online business system to build a customer base to generate recurring income.

     The Master Class:  Okay, now we're getting serious.  In this course, you will be working directly with Tim Grady, sharing your business plan (under a Non-Disclosure, Confidentiality Agreement), and launching your enterprise. Outside experts may also be brought into a working group to provide insight or advice based on their years of experience.  You won't be alone in this!
Join a Discussion Group or Student Forum from Around the World: U.S., Africa, Asia, Europe, Middle East, and Oceania
Communities are all about you. Students learn, polish, and apply their skills to pursue their dreams and goals or enhance their entrepreneurial enterprise.

Additional Information for Serious Students
While TimGrady.com pulls together a wealth of information, serious students will go beyond these pages to learn more to grow more. Extra resources can be found here.

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  - Lao Tsu

Transforming Dreams into Reality
Imagine having a list of dreams and goals and being able to achieve 90+ percent of them.  What would you not write down?

Turning Ideas into Businesses
There is a path from employee to entrepreneur.  Take the steps with a guide and mentor, or just explore the possibilities.

Because Common Sense isn't Common
The ABCs of Personal Empowerment and FREE information for personal achievement are just a click away.  Transform yourself!


Copyright [Tim Grady © 2022]