Focus is a Learned Skill in the Craft of Accomplishment Honed by Practice, Persistence, and Repetition.

The ABCs of Personal Empowerment
They say attitude is everything.  That is mostly true, but a bad attitude can ruin your day – and your efforts.  Focus is the transformative ingredient to achieving success.  If you are having a bad day, you need to take a moment and adjust your attitude because you will not be productive trying to focus on the tasks at hand with a negative attitude.   Focus requires uninterrupted, positive concentration followed by Action.
This concept of focus is relatively simple – you will need to pay attention to your goals every day, often several times a day, and work on parts and pieces of them as frequently as possible.  You should expect to be knocked out of focus repeatedly – it happens because life happens.   Every manner of thing will get in your way, from people trying to ‘help’ you by discouraging your efforts to spare you the pain or embarrassment of failure to money being tight or the self-canceling thoughts in your head that will dissuade you from working on your dreams and goals.
Focus is incredibly challenging in today’s digital-driven world where notifications vibrate, buzz, or sound on smartwatches, emails pop up constantly, and you are reachable by phone 24/7/365.  A University of California study showed that it required approximately 23 minutes to regain focus on a task or activity when directed attention was interrupted.  Consequently, it is essential to both allow enough time and to be in a place or space where the risk of interruption is minimized.  
A critical life area that requires your focus are your dreams and goals.  Focusing on dreams and goals is an often repeated theme within the Horse Sense posts because most people fail to focus on their dreams and goals at all, much less with the required detail or intensity.  Recording your dreams and goals is the cornerstone of a lifetime of achievement.   Focus helps each person zero in on what they need to do now, right now, each day to build towards a goal.  Without that intensity of attention, your dreams will be adrift, pushed out of reach, or in the wrong direction by every wind of change or current.
Another challenge when working on a goal, or a component of the total project, is everything else in your life.  That may sound ridiculous unless you are someone who is working at “X” when you wish you were working at “Y” where your heart lies.  Approximately 70% of people in America want to have a business of their own, but they cannot free up enough time or dollars to focus on achieving that goal.  That is why continuously working on pieces of the puzzle will determine your ultimate outcome.
Here is a fascinating concept to demonstrate the power you have within you.  Chess masters will often play multiple games simultaneously to sharpen their skills.  You might say, “I could never do that,” except you do precisely that every day!   You work on your finances, home life, relationships, hobbies, outside interests, and job(s) on an ongoing basis.   All these things are buzzing around in your head, and you continuously shift your focus from activity to activity – correct?  So, give yourself some Credit!
All of the business of life is why focus is so instrumental to your success.  When you are ‘in focus’ and in your groove working on a goal, you will feel a sense of personal satisfaction, fulfillment, and even accomplishment.  These small achievements are like assembling a jigsaw puzzle – you see the picture, but there are lots of separate pieces that you must put together.   It can often feel pointless or frustrating, but the puzzle comes together over time.  It comes together sooner when you focus on it frequently.   Or, it may never come together because you don’t apply focus and action to it.  You Decide how to use each moment of your day.
You empower yourself to act with confidence, clarity, and direction when you focus.   Instead of assuming you cannot do something, presume that you can do it by applying focus and action to it.  If you want proof, look at your accomplishments and positive outcomes in your life when you were focused on a task at hand.  Even small, positive outcomes are major wins because they show a pattern of success in you.  They prove you can attempt something, overcome obstacles, and achieve favorable results when you focus.
Focus and experience more private and public victories when you follow your focus with Action

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  - Lao Tsu

Imagine having a list of dreams and goals and being able to achieve 90+ percent of them.  What would you not write down?

There is a path from employee to entrepreneur.  Take the steps with a guide and mentor, or just explore the possibilities.

The ABCs of Personal Empowerment and FREE information for personal achievement are just a click away.  Transform yourself!


Copyright [Tim Grady (C) 2022]