Whether it Takes a Little Effort or a Lot of Effort, Your Effort Puts YOU in Control.

The ABCs of Personal Empowerment
Everything you do takes effort.  The question is, “What do I apply my effort to?”  Getting out of bed takes effort.  If you are 18 years old, it probably doesn’t take much physical effort – it might take a lot of mental effort.  If you are 88 years old, it likely takes much more physical effort than mental effort.
The difficulty most people have in their lives is not knowing where to apply the effort.  Knowing where to apply your effort is one of the keys to unlocking your incredible potential for achievement.  With your dreams and goals written down, if you have been polishing and refining those dreams and goals, you will get a sense of the why, when, where, how, and how much to apply your effort.  Once again, effort reveals who is in charge of your life, of your future.
Some people's circumstances make it more difficult, but many people with physical limitations have unbelievable mental strength and decide to apply their effort to overcome their circumstances.  The reality is there will be many forces of resistance pressing against your effort – and if you accept that, you empower your creative mind to seek ways to overcome those forces.  It won’t happen in a day, but persistent and consistent effort cannot be suppressed indefinitely.
The hard part is knowing what to apply your effort to – which means that people without dreams and goals will struggle mightily in life because they lack an identifiable purpose and passion in their life.  Since it costs you nothing but some solitude and time to divine your dreams and goals, it is an excellent investment of your time to begin or continue documenting them.   You will learn within the material at www.timgrady.com how to harness your internal power and apply it to your dreams and goals to make them more achievable than you might think is possible.  Undoubtedly, it will take effort, sometimes supreme effort, and almost always consistent effort, often in the face of resistance.  You will likely find that much of the resistance source comes from within you!
Some of the internal forces of resistance you may experience are, “I don’t feel like doing that today” or “I’m too tired” (too tired is often a self-inflicted wound to be discussed later), “It didn’t work last time” (we wouldn’t have light bulbs if Thomas Edison had used that excuse because he failed some 2,000 times before he created a light bulb that worked), or any of the other self-canceling or demoralizing stuff that floats through our heads.  It will take considerable effort to dismiss these thoughts and move on with your mission.  When Thomas Edison was asked what it was like to fail some 2,000 times, it is reported that his response was, “I didn’t fail.  I found 2,000 ways it didn’t work.”
You must be willing to press on in the face of ways that didn’t work.  Napoleon Hill’s book, Think and Grow Rich, talks about a burning desire.   That concept appears with the kind of frequency that the word effort appears in this post.  The importance of the idea of a burning desire is that you are not likely to pursue something in which you have merely a passing interest.   Bottom line – you won’t put in the effort to make it happen unless it is meaningful for you.   And ‘meaningful’ goes way beyond making money.
On the list of powerful motivators, ‘making money’ is not number one.  It often comes in around 4th or 5th.  Recognition consistently comes in at Number 1.   Self-satisfaction in accomplishing something is a form of recognition.  Achieving something meaningful to you has a prerequisite – and that precondition is that you know what you are after, what you desire so intensely that you are willing to put in the effort in the face of resistance and attempts that didn’t work until you accomplish your goal.  You must overcome the urge to quit, walk away, or give up because your burning desire to win creates the internal drive you will need to succeed – to experience the satisfaction of attaining the outcome in your vision.
In the movie Men in Black, the character played by Will Smith asks Agent K, played by Tommy Lee Jones, “Is it worth it?”  Agent K answers, “Oh yeah, it’s worth it – if you’re strong enough.”©  You now are faced with two questions, and your answers will determine your course of Action: Is it worth it to me?  Am I strong enough?
Achieving your dreams and goals will take some self-development – some internal ‘growth.’   This is why the educational series taught at www.timgrady.com is entitled, Dreams, Goals, and Growth instead of just Dreams and Goals.  Regardless of your age or circumstances, you will have to grow your internal strength, intestinal fortitude, self-confidence, self-assurance, and even your self-worth to improve your effort and results.  
© 1990 - Present: Sony Pictures and Marvel Comics

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  - Lao Tsu

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Copyright [Tim Grady (C) 2022]