When you are working towards something defined, refined, and achievable, then your life has direction and gains purpose.  Write down lots of goals.  Some will be bigger than your belief, so you can grow into them!

The ABCs of Personal Empowerment
“A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” - Lao Tsu
Achieving your dreams and goals begins with this single step: writing them down! If nearly everyone who achieves their goals documented them so they could focus and take action on them, and those who weren’t nearly as successful did not write down their goals, why would you put yourself at the tragic disadvantage of ignoring the first step in this fantastic journey?   However you record them, know that the process will be to transform dreams into goals, goals into plans, plans into steps, and then the journey begins in earnest, step by step.
Imagine if, in your lifetime, you could achieve over 90% of the goals you had written down – what would you leave off your list?   Your answer is likely, “nothing!”   That is the right answer! Everything you can dream up should be on your list.   You don’t know today what tomorrow may bring, what unforeseen change in your situation, what you might change to your situation, who you might meet, that suddenly improves the likelihood you will be able to reach a particular goal if you had a record of it.  If you plan to be alive in your future, you may as well plan it – and plan it well!
When you write down your dreams and goals (or type them into your phone, or tablet, or journal), you increase the likelihood you will achieve them by more than 40%!  If you take the Dreams, Goals, and Growth course series, you will learn how to improve the likelihood of achieving your goals by more than double that.  Ask yourself the question again – “What should I leave off my list if the likelihood I will achieve them can be improved to over 80%?” Think about that – more than 80%.  It isn’t a guarantee, but those are really good odds of success!
If you want to transform your life, and your achievements, then you need to do what successful people have done for decades, beginning with the very first step they began with – document your dreams and goals.  Get them out of your head so two things can happen: 1) the dreams and goals that are floating around in your mind can come forward, and 2) you can take action on the ones you have written down, typed into your phone, recorded on 3x5 cards, or whatever method you are using – rather than keeping them in your head!
Just like building a house, you need to transform your ideas from your mind’s eye to create them before your physical eyes.  And just like building a house, there are several different parts of the plan: the site preparation, the foundation, the walls, the windows and doors, the roof, the rooms, the electrical, the plumbing, the flooring, the paint colors, the kitchen appliances, the furniture, the landscaping, and so one.  Try building a house by keeping all the details and nuances of an entire house in your head!  Do you think it would come out right? So why put yourself at a significant disadvantage when the overwhelming evidence is that keeping it in your head just doesn’t work well?
You risk nothing by documenting your dreams and goals except a bit of your time.  And you actually gain time because you won’t waste time in the future trying to remember what you didn’t write down.  So, recording your dreams and goals is a method of leveraging your time so you can use it more efficiently and effectively.  If you want help working on your dreams and goals, then using something like Trello (www.Trello.com) where you can share them with us, so coaching and mentoring becomes another powerful way to leverage your time – and make some incredible forward progress.
One important lesson to learn here, instead of experiencing it first-hand, is this: only share your dreams with people who can help you achieve them.  People mean well, but for the most part, they are not helpful.   Unfortunately, they can be an awful hindrance, trying to ‘save you from failure, or even yourself.’  But, nothing ventured, nothing gained.  So be cautious about sharing too much because this is your journey, not theirs.  Don’t let someone else steal your dreams because then your goals are in jeopardy, too.
So, begin with the proven, risk-free first step: write down (record) your dreams and goals. Then, you have something to work on – and things will become more tangible, real, clear, and exciting.  Be bold, fear not, and know you can do this!  Our purpose is to help you achieve your dreams and goals.  We hope you enjoy your journey!

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  - Lao Tsu

Explore Your Learning Options
Imagine having a list of dreams and goals and being able to achieve 90+ percent of them.  What would you not write down?

There is a path from employee to entrepreneur.  Take the steps with a guide and mentor, or just explore the possibilities.

The ABCs of Personal Empowerment and FREE information for personal achievement are just a click away.  Transform yourself!


Copyright [Tim Grady (C) 2022]