You Will Take Charge of Your Life When You Take the Initiative to Begin, to Continue, to Achieve, and to Lead.  YES - You Can!

The ABCs of Personal Empowerment
If ever there was a single definitive word to describe the difference between super-achievers and people with aspirations, it is initiative.  Whether after research and consideration or in the face of uncertainty, taking the initiative often makes the difference between success and failure.   Often mixed in with initiative is a dose of courage.
Self-empowerment is built on taking charge.  The courage to take the initiative to change your situation empowers you and supercharges your actions.  What you will experience when you take the initiative is a heightened sense of achievement.  You may also experience some things that don’t go your way.   Don’t label those as failures – embrace them as learning experiences.  Achievement and success are not built on positive outcomes upon positive outcomes with no difficulties in between.  The willingness to take a risk and act is the place you want to shift to in your journey toward your dreams and goals, and your efforts to be a successful entrepreneur.
Imagine yourself doing some of the things that have crossed your mind to do.  What would your life look like today if you had completed just a few of those things on your dreams and goals list?  Knocking small tasks off your list is a great way to ‘clear the path’ to pursue more substantial dreams and goals.  Sometimes clearing away some tasks means eliminating them rather than doing them.   A bunch of tasks that are not really important or transformational to your life is just busy work.  They aren’t a waste of time but they aren’t the best use of time.  Thus, one act of initiative is to reconsider the tasks and get rid of the ones that are simply roadblocks.
The focus for successful people is on their time: how they use it, and how they manage it.  Successful people realize they are going to experience this moment of time only once.  The time it takes you to read this sentence is a moment in time that will not return.   Those few seconds have passed in your life and become part of your past.  You cannot recover a single moment of time.  So, how you use your time will determine your results.  Are you using your time effectively or wasting time by allowing it to drift by without purpose?
If you are conscious about time, you will recognize that initiative is the difference between wasting time and using time effectively.  You have a choice in how you will use your time in every moment of your life.  You will begin to notice the wasted time when you are proactively working on your dreams and goals.  Some people call it being ‘driven” as in, “that person is really driven.”  They are driven because they recognize the value of their time and choose to use it for productive pursuits rather than idle existence.  The choice to use your time for productive purposes and ‘get to it’ is initiative.
Many people want transformation in their lives.  They want more of their needs fulfilled, but they fail to take the initiative to fulfill them.  They may expect other people or the government to meet their needs.   Both of those disempower you – you are consciously giving someone else power in and over your life.  Is that what you really want?  It may be scary or difficult to fulfill the needs and wants in your life, and it will definitely be challenging, but a life well lived is one filled with the personal pursuit of your needs and wants, your dreams and goals.   If you expect someone else, or some government entity, to fulfill your needs, then lower your expectations.   Their definition of your needs and wants may be far different than yours.  Their solution may not be what you wanted.  And what they provide may be for the needs of the many, which is often spread thin.
The purpose of the Dreams, Goals, and Growth Series is to raise your awareness of what you want and what you need, to increase your belief that you can truly achieve those things, and to inspire you to take the initiative to pursue them.  In time, you will pursue them with greater confidence, and you will be transforming your life.  As you experience setbacks, you will understand that an undesired outcome is merely something different that what you wanted.  You may have to take the initiative to go back and fix it, or modify how you pursue it, so the next outcome is favorable.
Be confident – take the initiative, and transform your life!

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step."  - Lao Tsu

Explore Your Learning Options
Imagine having a list of dreams and goals and being able to achieve 90+ percent of them.  What would you not write down?

There is a path from employee to entrepreneur.  Take the steps with a guide and mentor, or just explore the possibilities.

The ABCs of Personal Empowerment and FREE information for personal achievement are just a click away.  Transform yourself!


Copyright [Tim Grady (C) 2022]